

附录6. 英国名师教学法/教学管理工作坊


Experienced and professional British school English teachers share their advance teaching method with Chinese English teachers about Behavior Management and Gender Differences in Learning.

By so doing, they hope to impart their pedagogical approaches and instructional skills and learn from the Chinese teachers about the experience and challenges of English teaching and learning in China.



Training goals 培训目标:

Behavior Management will promote a positive, caring classroom community that encourages student learning, positive peer and teacher relationships and self-motivation. 



Gender Differences in Learning will give teachers who have a clear responsibility to create opportunities for all students, boys and girls, to learn to the best of their abilities and in the most appropriate learning environments.



Training objectives 培训预期效果:

Through training, participants will learn通过培训,参训人员能够到下列的知识和技能:


1) Students should be encouraged by teachers to make wise decisions and accept the responsibility that their decisions entail.


2) Social skills and values are to be encouraged which promote a caring classroom community.


3) Experience and position the knowledge of foreign cultural contacts in contexts.


4) Teachers are able to teach them to learn to the best of their abilities and in the most appropriate learning environments.




Topics and activities 主题与活动设计


Topic 1 主题1: Behaviour Management—Theory and Practice.


l  To present a structured discussion on managing student’s behaviour, incorporating personal experiences.

l  呈现一场关于如何更好管理学生行为的结构化讨论,老师们可以根据自己个人经验展开讨论

l  To develop behaviour management strategies with confidence and skill.

l  运用每个人的信心和技能来提升自己行为管理的策略和技巧

l  To understand the importance of planning for behaviour to maximize learning.

l  深刻理解到对每个人行为管理计划的重要性,以便于使所学知识最大化地被利用


Topic 2 主题2: Gender Issues—Do boys and girls learn differently?



l  Brain differences大脑差异

l  Effects of Hormones荷尔蒙的影响

l  Learning Strategies学习策略和技巧

l  Statistics统计数据分析

l  Conclusion/ discussion结论/讨论


Topic 3 主题3: Interactive workshop /group work互动性工作坊/团队合作

l  What makes a good teacher/ classroom /school?

l  究竟是什么造就了一个好的老师/课堂/学校?