
Yiwu Qunxing Foreign Languages School



  Yiwu Qunxing Foreign Languages School is located at No.577 Jichang Road. It was founded by Mr. Zhao Guoliang in 1995. Qunxing is a boarding school integrated with primary department, junior high department, and senior high department.


  Qunxing’s teaching facilities are highly advanced, utilizing some of the best electronic and multimedia teaching equipment in Zhejiang province. Our staff consist of provincial and municipal teachers who are highly experienced and professional. We also have more than ten professional foreign teachers from all around the world who offer unique first-hand experience and instruction. Qunxing cooperates with many well-known foreign universities, such as the University of Wisconsin and Towson University.

  学校自引入伦华教育以来,秉持“理念国际化”“课程多样化”“教学小班化”的办学理念,致力于培养兼具中西文化背景,具创新意识和实践能力,富有社会责任感的现代公民。学校通过节日文化、拓展课程等活动激发学生学习兴趣,拓宽学生视野。小学部设有实验班、英特班、淑女班等多种课程模式供学生选择,让学生在纯正的英语环境中享受学习乐趣。初中部设有英才班和剑桥班,开设德语、西语等二外课程,使学生掌握三门语言,拓宽学生发展前景。高中部设有精英班、A Level班和西班牙语班,为不同教育目标的家长和学生提供了多元选择。

  Since introducing the Lunhua Education, Qunxing has been upholding on the concepts of international philosophy, a diverse curriculum and small-class teaching. The school is also committed to developing modern citizens who have a strong sense of innovation, responsibility and practicality. Through festivals and extracurricular courses, our school motivates students’ interests in learning and broadens their horizons. Our highly advanced primary department offers Experimental Classes, IC (International Curriculum) Classes and Girls’ Classes, which are integrated into an organic whole. At Qunxing, students can be immersed in an English environment and enjoy learning English. The junior high department also offers Elite Class and Cambridge IGCSE Class. These two kinds of classes allow students to master three languages and expand their promising prospects. The senior high department offers Elite Class, A Level Class and Spanish Class. QFLS offers diverse choices for parents and students with different educational goals.


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